What is the best time of year to go to Murcia?
Here are some weather facts collected from historical climate data, plus a month-by-month guide…
- On average, the warmest months are July, August and September.
- Murcia has dry periods in January, March, June, July and August.
- On average, the warmest month is August.
- On average, Murcia has 300 days of sun a year.
- October is the wettest month.
- On average, the coolest month is January.
- July is the driest month.
- The average daily temperature is 19ºC.
January in Murcia is influenced by a mid-latitude dry climate, when you can expect the range of average daytime temperatures to be around 14℃ to 19℃. Usually the first week is the hottest in January; on average, it only rains on six days. Murcia has cooler days in January, with a slightly cloudy sky and a light breeze. Fog is a rare occurrence, and the odd thunderstorm is possible.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During January the average cloud cover is about 18%. January is the coldest month, with temperature as low as 5℃ at night.
Be prepared for odd days of rain, thunderstorms or fog.
The relative humidity typically ranges from 8% to 12% over the course of a typical January, and dew point is about 4ºC.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 10 hours of daylight.
During January, the speed of the wind varies from 8 km/h to 15 km/h. Prepare yourself for a pleasant breeze.
February in Murcia is influenced by a mid-latitude dry climate, with average daytime temperatures around 13℃ to 20℃. Usually the third week is the hottest in February. You can expect the occasional day of rain, fog or hail, and the odd thunderstorm. Murcia in February experiences cooler days with a slightly cloudy sky and a light breeze.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During February the average cloud cover is about 19%. February is a dry month, but also be prepared for some rain and fog.
The relative humidity typically ranges from 8% to 12%, and dew point is about 4ºC.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides an average of 11 hours of daylight.
During February, the wind speeds vary from 11 km/h to 14 km/h, so prepare yourself for some windy days.
When you travel to Murcia in March you can expect the average daytime temperatures to be around 15℃ to 22℃. Every now and then there is rain or, less frequently, hail, thunderstorms or fog. Murcia in March experiences cool days with a slightly cloudy sky and a gentle breeze.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During March the average cloud cover is about 24%. March is a dry month but you should also be prepared for some rain, hail or thunderstorms. The relative humidity typically ranges from 11% to 16%, and dew point is about 8ºC.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides an average of 12 hours of daylight.
During March, the speed of the wind varies from 11 km/h to 15 km/h, which means the wind rustles the leaves.
When you travel to Murcia in April you can expect an average daytime temperature of between 18℃ and 23℃, with a UV Index of around 6, so take precautions to prevent sunburn. Use at least 30+ sunscreen (50+ if you are particularly sensible to the sun), wear a sun hat, reduce time in the sun within three hours of noon, and wear protective sunglasses. There is still a chance of some rain, fog or thunderstorms during April.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During April the average cloud cover is about 20%. April is a dry month, and is one of the best months of the year in terms of weather in Murcia. However, you can expect some rain, fog or thunderstorms during the month. The relative humidity typically ranges from 15% to 19% over the course of a typical April. Dew point is often one of the best measures of how comfortable the weather conditions are, and this month it varies from 9ºC to 11ºC.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 13 daylight hours.
During April, the wind varies from 10 km/h to 13 km/h, so be sure to prepare yourself for some breezy days.
When you travel to Murcia in May you can expect an average daytime temperature of around 21℃ to 27℃, with a UV Index of around 9, so take precautions to prevent sunburn. Use at least 30+ sunscreen (50+ if you are particularly sensible to the sun), wear a sun hat, reduce time in the sun within three hours of noon, and wear protective sunglasses. There is still a chance of some rain, fog or thunderstorms during May.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During May the average cloud cover is about 18%. May is a dry month, and one of the best months of the year in terms of weather in Murcia. The relative humidity typically ranges from 19% to 23%, and dew point varies from 11ºC to 14ºC. Everyone should be prepared for the possibility of rain or the odd thunderstorm.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 14 daylight hours.
During May, the speed of the wind varies from 10 km/h to 13 km/h. This means that you may have the occasional breezy day.
When you travel to Murcia in June you can expect the average temperature to be above 29℃. Throughout June there is the possibility of a heatwave. Hot weather can be dangerous for people with cardiovascular or other diseases, with a UV Index of around 9, so you will need to take precautions to prevent sunburn. Use at least 30+ sunscreen (50+ if you are particularly sensible to the sun), wear a sun hat, reduce time in the sun within three hours of noon, and wear protective sunglasses. Do not stay in the sun for too long. Usually the fourth week is the hottest in June.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During June the average cloud cover is about 15%, and the relative humidity typically ranges from 24% to 28% over the course of the month. Dew point changes from 15ºC to 17ºC and can become a little uncomfortable at times. There is the chance of an occasional downpour or thunderstorm.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 15 daylight hours.
During June, the speed of the wind varies from 10 km/h to 12 km/h, so be sure to prepare yourself for a pleasant breeze.
When you travel to Murcia in July you can expect average temperatures above 31℃. Throughout July there is the possibility of a heatwave. Hot weather can be dangerous for people with cardiovascular or other diseases, with a UV Index of around 9, so you will need to take precautions to prevent sunburn. Use at least 30+ sunscreen (50+ if you are particularly sensible to the sun), wear a sun hat, reduce time in the sun within three hours of noon, and wear protective sunglasses. Do not stay in the sun for too long. Usually the second week is the hottest in July.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During July the average cloud cover is about 15%. July is a dry month, one of the best months of the year in terms of weather. The relative humidity typically ranges from 29% to 32% over the course of July, and dew point varies from 18ºC to 20ºC, so it can get a little uncomfortable at times. There is the chance of an occasional downpour or thunderstorm.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 14 daylight hours.
During July, the speed of the wind varies from 9 km/h to 11 km/h. This means that you will be sure of a pleasant breeze.
When you travel to Murcia in August you can expect average temperatures above 31℃. Throughout August there is the possibility of a heatwave. Hot weather can be dangerous for people with cardiovascular or other diseases, with a UV Index of around 11, so you will need to take precautions to prevent sunburn. Use at least 30+ sunscreen (50+ if you are particularly sensible to the sun), wear a sun hat, reduce time in the sun within three hours of noon, and wear protective sunglasses. Do not stay in the sun for too long. Usually the first week is the hottest in August.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During August the average cloud cover is about 16%. August is a dry month, and the relative humidity typically ranges from 31% to 34%. Dew point is about 20ºC, and it can get a little uncomfortable at times. However, there is the chance of an occasional downpour or thunderstorm.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 14 daylight hours.
During August, the wind speeds vary from 9 km/h to 12 km/h, which means you may have a pleasant breeze.
When you travel to Murcia in September you can expect the average temperature to be above 29℃. Throughout September there is the possibility of a heatwave. Hot weather can be dangerous for people with cardiovascular or other diseases, with a UV Index of around 9, so you will need to take precautions to prevent sunburn. Use at least 30+ sunscreen (50+ if you are particularly sensible to the sun), wear a sun hat, reduce time in the sun within three hours of noon, and wear protective sunglasses. Do not stay in the sun for too long. Usually the first week is the hottest in September.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During September the average cloud cover is about 14%. September is usually a dry month. The relative humidity typically ranges from 26% to 28%, and dew point varies from 16% to 18ºC. There is the chance of an occasional downpour or thunderstorm.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 12 daylight hours.
During September, the speed of the wind varies from 8 km/h to 12 km/h. This means that you may be able to enjoy a pleasant breeze.
When you travel to Murcia in October you can expect average daytime temperatures of around 21℃ to 27℃. The temperature might drop during rain or thunderstorms occurring at any time during October. The UV Index can reach 6 and precautions must be taken to avoid sunburn. Usually the first week is the hottest in October, but there is also the possibility of thunderstorms, rain or fog.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During October the average cloud cover is about 13%, the relative humidity typically ranges from 19% to 25%, and dew point varies from 12ºC to 17ºC. October can be the wettest month, but downpours do not last long and on average there are only about six to eight days of rain this month.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 11 daylight hours.
During October, the speed of the wind varies from 8 km/h to 10 km/h. However, wind might increase on stormy days.
When you travel to Murcia in November you can expect average daytime temperatures of around 15℃ to 23℃. Every once in a while expect rain, occasionally fog, rarely a thunderstorm and seldom hail. Usually the first week is the hottest in November.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During November the average cloud cover is about 20%, the relative humidity typically ranges from 11% to 18%, and dew point is about 8ºC. Be prepared for rain and storms at certain times during this month.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 10 daylight hours.
During November, the speed of the wind varies from 10 km/h to 11 km/h, and winds might increase during stormy days.
When you travel to Murcia in December you can expect average daytime temperatures of around 14℃ to 18℃. Every now and then expect rain, occasionally fog and the odd thunderstorm, but not-so-hot weather. Usually the third week is the hottest in December.
Precipitation, Humidity and Cloud
During December the average cloud cover is about 18%, the relative humidity typically ranges from 9% to 12%, and dew point is about 6ºC. November is a month when you can expect some days of rain, thunderstorms or fog.
Hours of Daylight
This month provides on average 10 daylight hours.
During December, the speed of the wind varies from 8 km/h to 10 km/h. Winds may increase during stormy days.