Aena, the management company for Corvera Airport recently announced that Maurici Lucena would be taking over the position of Managing Director. Lucena takes the place of Jaime García-Legaz, who was previously elected to the position by the Spanish government in October 2017, which at the time was ran by the former Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy.
Lucena, who recently took over the role, is an experienced economist previously employed by Banco Sabadell. He worked as Director of Equity and Prudential Management from June 2016 to October 2017, and Director of Prudential Regulation and Public Policy from November 2017 to July 2018.
Lucena is now responsible for overseeing the opening of Corvera Airport – a transition that would appear to be going smoothly, with new service contracts recently being rewarded. The current the president of the region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, also expects the opening of Corvera Airport to boost the local economy and to generate jobs for up to 1000 people across the local area.
There was some concern when Pedro Sánchez became Prime Minister of Spain earlier in June of this year that infrastructure and other projects such as the opening of Corvera Airport would be effected by the change in government. However, these claims were dismissed at the time by the new PSOE government representative in Murcia, Diego Conesa. Conesa at the time did not expect that the opening of Corvera Airport would be delayed, however this is not the case. Corvera Airport is still expected to open in December, with the first flights taking place in January 2019.